How it works...

Send us an email by filling out the form below, telling us about your project and we’ll set up a free in person consultation! Keep in mind this is a lengthy process and we are currently booked out several months. However finding the wood, designing the piece, laying out the process of building it, and ultimately putting it in your home or space are all important to us, so we like to get started whenever you are ready. There is a $200 down payment required once the design and estimate process begins.

If you are in need of our services, send us some photos with the email if you can and call for availability.

If you need directions to the shop, use the map link below. Access is down the alley off 18th ave w and we’re in the basement.

Now let’s build something together!


Clancy Ward | Owner



Monday - Friday

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM or by appointment